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Catie & Jack — Minted




Catie and Jack

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

The swipe was right. Just right.

Jack and Catie met on Bumble over the Thanksgiving holiday in 2019. After perusing his profile, Jack’s love for his family, friends, and Chicago sports instantly caught Catie’s attention, but it was his comfort with and regular practice of making an “Irish exit” from gatherings that sealed the deal. Catie decided, “He’s my kind of guy! I have to meet this man!” Jack was captivated by the laughter in Catie’s eyes and smiles that shown clearly in every picture, along with her appetite for the perfect round of golf which, if it were up to Catie, would top off at 12 holes. It only took one swipe and off we went on what would become the greatest, most amazing, incredible, unbelievable, exciting adventure of our lives.

After some playful banter, Jack asked Catie out and both eagerly awaited Friday, December 6, 2019 for their first date at Joe’s Imports, a wine bar in Chicago’s West Loop.

Catie was late for their date after unsuccessfully turning her closet upside down in search for her favorite green blouse. But, never fear, Catie always has more green attire and soon arrived! The two shared appetizers and Jack pretended to like olives. Catie was tempted to turn in early, but Jack wanted to keep the night rolling. And so, the night continued with cocktails at Moneygun, another bar they both love in the West Loop.

The date was a success – lasting 6 short hours!! Jack’s eyes sparkled when he laughed and he listened intently as Catie tried to impress him with her love for sports (Tom Brady), her non-profit work and zest for life.

The second date totally Wloch’ed it up. Jack planned a spectacular and romantic evening beginning with dinner at Tango Sur, an Argentinian Steakhouse, followed by “It’s a Wonderful Life” at the Music Box Theater, a treasured Christmas tradition for both.

Over the next three years, Catie and Jack enjoyed time spent with each other’s families, countless wine walks and bike rides, reading together, planting and tending to their flower garden on their River North apartment balcony, watching the Bears, Patriots and Buccaneers, and vacationing up in Bay Harbor to experience the magic of Northern Michigan.

Fast forward to December 16, 2022: Accompanied by Catie’s favorite belugas, Jack proposed at Shedd Aquarium during the Auxiliary Board’s Holiday Party, sweeping Catie off her feet.

The rest is history and we can’t wait to celebrate our lifelong commitment to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of our lives on June 22, 2024!